In a second term, the ballot box would no longer restrict Trump. So we can expect: Expanded use of...


Police History: Constable vs. Paramilitary
Calls to abolish or massively reform America's police sound new and radical. Yet history offers a...
This Week in History: The Treaty of Tordesillas
This week in 1494, the Spanish and Portuguese Empires signed the Treaty of Tordesillas—brokered by...
This week in history: Louisiana Purchase
This week in 1804, the Louisiana Territory transferred from French to U.S. sovereignty, with the...
This week in history: Huaynaputina
This week in 1600, South America experienced the most violent volcanic eruption in its recorded...
The Chief Justice Can Call Witnesses
Under the Constitution, the Vice President presides over the Senate -- except during presidential...
As Benedict Arnold means treason, Donald Trump will mean corruption
Here's a prediction. As Benedict Arnold means treason to Americans, Donald Trump will someday mean...
This week in history: Captain Cook
This week in history, the United Kingdom’s Captain James Cook celebrated two accomplishments. In...
This week in history: Louis Braille
This week in 1809, Louis Braille was born in a small French town called Coupvray. He’s known for...

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