During the month ending August 20, I wrote a 71,000-word novel. That sounds like madness,...


The Black General in the “Napoleon” Movie
If you've seen "Napoleon" or even a trailer for the movie, you may have noticed a Black officer in...
What History Tells Us about the Future of Artificial Intelligence – Part 2 of 3
This is the second of three posts on general purpose technologies (GPTs) – and on what their...
What History Tells Us about the Future of Artificial Intelligence – Part 1 of 3
In a 2023 Wall Street Journal article, Henry Kissinger and two collaborators argue that artificial...
Six Milestones: illustrated booklet on history (no-cost download)
I'm pleased to announce something unusual and fun. I've written a short booklet on history, and...
Young George Washington made Marie Antoinette a queen
In the spring of 1754, Lieutenant Colonel George Washington of the Virginia militia led a company...
Even history’s most notable authors sometimes wrote badly
William Caxton translated and produced the first book printed in English (Recuyell [Collection] of...
Foreigners Understand Shakespeare Better than English-Speakers
It's a sad reality, but English-speakers understand Shakespeare less than anyone else. That's...
The Treaty of Westphalia, 100% Accurate
The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia ended the Wars of the Reformation, laid the foundations for today's...

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