World History Encyclopedia has a great feature worth noting. Each article comes with an audio...


Six Milestones: illustrated booklet on history (no-cost download)
I'm pleased to announce something unusual and fun. I've written a short booklet on history, and...
History Teacher’s Review of The Jericho River
John Mulloy is a high school teacher and college history professor, and he recently reviewed The...
A Middle School Lesson Plan for The Jericho River
We've posted our first lesson plan for middle school classes -- related to The Jericho River! You...
Test your history knowledge with this fun, educational, interactive quiz!
I wanted to offer something fun for teachers and students -- and for anyone who loves history as...
Turn Your History Class into an Adventure!
Students will love this journey through Western Civilization -- from ancient history to modern...
Teaching History: This is How to Grab Your Students
A little while ago, I wrote an op-ed for History News Network -- on how to make history...
The Magic of History – See the Video
A little while ago, I spoke at a TEDx conference -- to an audience of smart, motivated high school...
Teaching History by Sailing The Jericho River
How an Unusual Novel and an Ohio Teacher Are Repackaging History Education A high school teacher...

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These six histories shape our world, yet they’re seldom told. This unique booklet recounts six pivotal events – ancient, medieval, and modern – in brief and simple language, accompanied by detailed maps and beautiful original illustrations.
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