Some researchers think Stone Age people domesticated the dog by adopting wolf pups and breeding...


Neanderthal and Denisovan Genes – and Covid-19
The media reported last week that genes from Neanderthals protect many of us against severe...
Coronavirus Would Not Have Disrupted Our Ancestors’ Lives
A virus circles the world, killing 1% of the population or more, particularly the elderly ... and...
Who Thought Up Dog Domestication, People or Dogs?
This post has been updated by a new version: "Did breeding or natural selection create the dog?"...
My New Novel, Secrets of Hominea!
My new novel just went on sale! Secrets of Hominea is a magical middle grade fantasy novel: a tale...
The History of the World in Nineteen Minutes
This is fun ...
A New Timeline — and an Old Brain — for Homo Sapiens
Anthropologists recently made a fascinating discovery: Homo sapiens fossils found in Morocco date...
Ancient Man-Made Global Warming and Environmental Engineering
Many Americans doubt man-made global warming because they don't think humans could so...
Black Europeans, Short Spaniards, Tall Swedes, Milk, and Recent Human Evolution
During the past year, genetic studies have revealed some surprises about European prehistory. One...

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