I recently read a fascinating explanation for human conduct. We're cruel because we made an...


The Walking Dead: A Tour of Prehistory
The Walking Dead offers some good prehistory. In the show's post-apocalyptic world, humanity...
Cheddar Man’s Family
Scientists call Britain's oldest complete skeleton "Cheddar Man." He lived around 7150 B.C.E.,...
We Evolved to Eat Vegetables and Meat, Not Grains and Dairy
MyPlate is a graphic from the USDA that advises Americans how to eat. But I think it's based on...
Did Hobbits Live among Us Recently?
The Indonesian island of Flores and its neighbors host two unusual languages, called Ke'o and...
Homo ghostus
I reported in an earlier post that Homo sapiens once shared the world with at least four other...
Speech May Have Begun with Clicks Instead of Words
Southern Africa's Khoi-San languages use clicks alongside more familiar consonants and verbs. Some...
Prehistory and the DNA of Lice
Anthropologists think they know when humans started wearing clothes. How could they possibly know...
The Lost World of Neanderthals, Hobbits, and Other Hominins
It seems fantasies like The Lord of the Rings have cornered the market on “multi-species worlds”:...

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