I'm pleased to announce something unusual and fun. I've written a short booklet on history, and...


Even history’s most notable authors sometimes wrote badly
William Caxton translated and produced the first book printed in English (Recuyell [Collection] of...
Race Has No Role in Tolkien’s World
The new Tolkien series, "Rings of Power," stirred up controversy by casting non-white actors. And...
Foreigners Understand Shakespeare Better than English-Speakers
It's a sad reality, but English-speakers understand Shakespeare less than anyone else. That's...
“Thay”: Gender-Neutral Pronoun
Here's a crazy idea that might work. In English, "they" has become the preferred third person...
This week in history: Louis Braille
This week in 1809, Louis Braille was born in a small French town called Coupvray. He’s known for...
This week in history: The Rosetta Stone
On this day in 1822, Jean-Francois Champollion announced that he had deciphered the Rosetta Stone,...
Why Sounds Yoda so Archaic?
Says Yoda things like: "Powerful have you become; the dark side I sense in you." Sounds it like...
Did Ancient Semites Father the Germanic Languages?
German, English, Swedish, and the other Germanic languages belong to the Indo-European family, but...

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