This is the third of three posts on general purpose technologies and on what their history tells...


Six Milestones: illustrated booklet on history (no-cost download)
I'm pleased to announce something unusual and fun. I've written a short booklet on history, and...
Four Modern Breakthroughs that Ancient Science Just Missed
Ancient Greek and Roman scholars achieved some amazing things. They foreshadowed many of the...
The Backflow into Africa
We all know Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and then spread across the rest of the world. But...
Follow-up to REAL theories for the origin of April Fool’s Day
Last week, I posted this article that had 3 real theories on the origins of April Fool’s...
Which of these are REAL theories for the origin of April Fool’s Day?
Historians debate the origins of April Fool’s Day, with three possible explanations. Which of the...
Coronavirus Would Not Have Disrupted Our Ancestors’ Lives
A virus circles the world, killing 1% of the population or more, particularly the elderly ... and...
This week in history: Caligula
This week in 41 CE, a faction Roman leaders assassinated their emperor, Caligula. The emperor had...
This week in history: The Sistine Chapel
Photo by Antoine Taveneaux, reproduced with permission under the Creative Commons License...

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