Says Yoda things like: "Powerful have you become; the dark side I sense in you." Sounds it like...


Snow White May Have Begun as a Sexy Goddess
In the myths of the Norse and other Germanic peoples, Freya is the beautiful goddess of sex, love,...
Why Conquer?
A friend recently asked an interesting question: In history, why does someone who already has...
The English Are Celtic (or Something)
Traditional histories say that when the English migrated to Britain during the 400's A.D., they...
Maps That Explain the Roman Empire
I've stumbled across a fun resource: 40 maps that explain the Roman Empire. It's good reading and...
See the Face of Richard III
This is cool. King Richard III has been a subject of mystery for more than 500 years. Did he...
Lighten Up, Francis
Today, the cardinals of the Catholic Church elected a new pontiff: Jorge Mario Bergoglio of...
Papal Resignations and Elections: A Beginner’s Guide
The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of his successor raise some fascinating...
The “Entail,” Primogeniture, and Why Matthew Inherits Downton Abbey
The Downton Abbey TV series begins with a predicament for the Earl of Grantham. Earl Robert has no...

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