Historians debate the origins of April Fool’s Day, with three possible explanations. Which of the...


Coronavirus Would Not Have Disrupted Our Ancestors’ Lives
A virus circles the world, killing 1% of the population or more, particularly the elderly ... and...
This week in history: Hagia Sophia
The Hagia Sophia This week in 537, eastern Roman emperor Justinian I finished construction of the...
The History of the World in Nineteen Minutes
This is fun ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs
The History of Japan in Nine Minutes
This is fun ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5LY4Mz15o
Star Wars and History: Samurai and Nazis
~ This is the last of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. ~ Star Wars draws on history...
Star Wars and History: Divine Conception in Myth
~ This is the fifth of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. (See below for a list of...
Star Wars and History: Father vs. Son in Myth
~ This is the fourth of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. (See below for the six...
Star Wars and History: Fall of the Knights Templar
~ This is the second of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. (See below for the six...

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