Modern democracy gives us the best governments the world has ever seen. Or maybe Winston Churchill...


The U.N. CAN Remove Russia’s Security Council Seat
Today, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on the U.N. to remove Russia's permanent seat on the...
EU Superpower: The New Holy Roman Empire
Vladimir Putin may have created a new superpower -- and it's not Russia. In the weeks since Putin...
Thank you, American armed forces
Recent events have reminded me of America's unusual advantage on the world stage. We have a highly...
“Thay”: Gender-Neutral Pronoun
Here's a crazy idea that might work. In English, "they" has become the preferred third person...
The History Behind Polarized America
For most of its history, the United States had a ruling majority. But during the late 20th...
History Tells Us Congress CAN Impeach the President After His Term
The Constitution says nothing specific about whether Congress can impeach an official after his or...
History Tells Us the President Cannot “Self-Pardon”
The Framers of the Constitution based the presidential pardon on the English monarch's power to...
What Really Happens in a Challenged Election
by David W. Tollen and guest contributor Robert W. Tollen Many commentators assume the new House...

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