This is cool: CNN article and video about King Tut's dagger.


Star Wars and History: Divine Conception in Myth
~ This is the fifth of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. (See below for a list of...
Star Wars and History: Father vs. Son in Myth
~ This is the fourth of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. (See below for the six...
Star Wars and History: Roman Republic and Empire
~ This is the first of a six-post series called Star Wars and History. (See below for the six...
Ancient Man-Made Global Warming and Environmental Engineering
Many Americans doubt man-made global warming because they don't think humans could so...
The Real Destruction of Atlantis
The legend of Atlantis comes from Plato. In Timaeus and particularly Critias, written around 360...
Historical Mashup by Ivan Gataric — for The Jericho River
Here's more great artwork for The Jericho River, A Novel About the History of Western Civilization...
In the Hall of the Dead King
Here's an adventure from The Jericho River, A Novel About the History of Western Civilization,...
Jericho River Poster, by Benjamin Roque
Several artists have created wonderful paintings and illustrations for my book, The Jericho River....

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