Jericho River Poster, by Benjamin Roque

by | Sep 24, 2015 | Earliest Civilizations in Eurasia

Several artists have created wonderful paintings and illustrations for my book, The Jericho River. Here’s a poster by Benjamin Roque.

JerichoRiverPosterHorizontalA_25x18'5_Flat_Edit -- reduced

The town is Mesopotamian, and the sphinx is based on ancient Mesopotamian art. (He’s Zidu, one of The Jericho River‘s main characters, and he was inspired by an Assyrian carving.) The tree is myrrh, which produced a resin prized in the ancient Middle East for its fragrance and for use as a medicine. (In the Bible, the three wise men give Baby Jesus frankincense and myrrh.) And the young man is thoroughly modern (the book’s hero, Jason).

You can see more artwork at my fiction site’s art page. And of course, you can find The Jericho River at Amazon and other retailers.




© 2015 by David W. Tollen. All rights reserved.



  1. Review: The Jericho River | Codices - […] * Poster by Benjamin Roque, downloaded from the author’s site. […]

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