Six Milestones: illustrated booklet on history (no-cost download)

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Ancient History, Teacher-Specific, Roman Empire, The Early Modern Age, Geography, Linguistics & Philology

Six Milestones illustrated bookletI’m pleased to announce something unusual and fun. I’ve written a short booklet on history, and you can get a copy right here — for free. The booklet includes original illustrations by a great artist named Neerajana Deb, as well as artistic maps. I hope you’ll sing up for a copy on our home page — and please forward this to anyone you think would be interested.

Here’s a description: SIX MILESTONES, An Illustrated Booklet of Great Preludes and Pivots in World History. “These six histories shape our world, yet they’re seldom told. This unique booklet recounts six pivotal events – ancient, medieval, and modern – in brief and simple language, accompanied by detailed maps and beautiful original illustrations.”

You can get SIX MILESTONES at the top of our home page. Just scroll down a few lines and fill in your e-mail address — and your copy will come via e-mail. That will also put you on our e-mail address. (You can unsubscribe later, though I hope you won’t.)

Apologies to existing subscribers! The system won’t send you a copy when you add your address! So we’re working on sending you one directly. Stay tuned.

While you’re here, please check out the new Pints of History! The site has been fully revamped and expanded.



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