Two New Reviews of The Jericho River

by | Jan 7, 2016 | Writing About History

My novel, The Jericho River, recently got two great reviews — from author Leslie Wright, at, and from student reviewer ZoeDessoye1, at LitPick. Here are some highlights:

From Leslie Wright:

  • … it’s a wonderful mythical and epic tale of danger and excitement …
  • “… intriguing for anyone who enjoys a great romp into the past, with myths, history and adventures of worth. Tollen does a great job of making history fun.

From ZoeDessoye1:

  • The historical situations were so engaging and action-packed, I would have enjoyed even more of this book; it was very well written and enjoyable.
  • I was learning new information and being thoroughly entertained with the action all at the same time.

You can see each complete review here: / Leslie Wright and LitPick / ZoeDessoye1.

The Jericho River is a multiple-award-winning novel that uses fantasy to teach the history of Western Civilization.


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