From the first human to the first blogger, Pints of History reveals history’s surprises, its misunderstood truths, and its puzzling twists and turns. Through articles, books, and booklets, we explore the past for its own sake and connect it to current news and entertainment – making history relevant and fun.

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~ David W. Tollen, author

Six Milestones

These six histories shape our world, yet they’re seldom told. This unique booklet recounts six pivotal events – ancient, medieval, and modern – in brief and simple language, accompanied by detailed maps and beautiful original illustrations.

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David’s novels are for young adults, middle readers, and adults. They use fantasy to teach, so they’re great for teachers, students, and parents. David is also working on an unusual nonfiction history, called Origin Stories

David Tollen speaking

David speaks about history, including appearances at conferences and schools. Interested in booking David to speak at your next event?